The Last Challenge v0.1.3 Demo

The Last Challenge

The Last Challenge

In 2013 the MC (Marcus Crowley or whatever you decide to name him), his best friend Donnie, and 499.998 other from around the country left for a college town called Meteor Valley. One week after their departure a global pandemic breaks out named the Crown virus, and it infects the whole world. Except Meteor Valley. For some reason the virus never spread to Meteor Valley and for this reason the government decides to quarantine Meteor Valley off from the rest of the country until a vaccine is developed.


v0.1.3 Demo
2645 high quality renders
126 Animations
Morning Rosaline scenes all paths fully developed. Some rewards not added yet.
Samantha bus station event (only quicky path is fully available for now.)
Fully working character profiles
Access to a total of 12-character profiles
Fully working inventory system
Approx. 3h of gameplay less or more depending on your choices.
A shit ton of music and sound effects. (some parts are still in development)


Developer: LustyDonkey
Platform: Windows
Censored: No
Version: 0.1.3 Demo
Language: English
Size: 4360 mb

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