* Bugfixes – Changes*
– Faith’s sprites rework with the addition of some new ones.
– Fixed a banter to show the proper sprites.
– Fixed some sprites error.
– Fixed the chronologic order of some event’s triggers.
– After the mercenary intro event, if it’s Sunday, you will be brought to the clinic entrance where Isaiah is waiting.
– Added some CODEX entries which were previously missing.
– Fixed a bug in the Cheat Engine. Now switching between Mercenaries will also show the proper CODEX page.
– Patch 08 (to add some variables that were not yet in the game)
– Fixed bugs in Journal which prevented showing the Security Cameras Banters.
– Fixed a bug in the second Banter between Izy and Faith.
– Added numbers for every scene of the Gallery, so it’s easier to know which ones you’re missing.
– Rework of sound effects “Lewd Bed Scene in the Morning”, both in-game and gallery (thanks for the feedback).
– Rework of sound effects of the lewd scenes between Elsa and Wilfrid (and in Gallery).
– Rework of sound effects of the lewd scenes between Elsa and Isaiah (and in Gallery).
– Rework of sound effects of the lewd scene between Elsa and Liz (and in Gallery).
– Rework of sound effects of the lewd scene between Elsa and Tony (and in Gallery).
– Rework of sound effects of the lewd scene between Elsa and Izy (and in Gallery).
– Fixed various typos.
* New Content *
– Mercenaries update, one recruitable companion to choose from a pool of three.
– New sprites for five new characters.
– Three new story events with sprites.
– Three new story scenes (made with renders), one for each mercenary.
– Dialogues for each mercenary.
– Storyline scene (with renders) that will trigger only if you threaten Street Tony to get the mask back without giving him a cure for his condition.
– Dialogue chat for each Companion to ask them what they think of the other members of the Clinic.
– New work event (with renders) at the Clinic with Street Tony will trigger if you get past the mercenary selection and get the breathing mask back (also a repeatable scene if you pick the lewd path).
– You can now unlock/lock the Gallery through the Cheat Engine
– Massive updated Cheat Engine
– You can now tweak the STATS variables with the Cheat Engine.
– You can now tweak most of the Companions variables with the Cheat Engine.
– You can now tweak most of the NPCs variables with the Cheat Engine.
– You can now tweak most of the Clinic variables with the Cheat Engine.
– Added four Security Camera Banters with the newly recruited Mercenaries.
– Added new sound effects.
– Four new music tracks in Soundtrack.
– CODEX updated.
– JOURNAL updated.
– GALLERY updated.