Sins of the Father Version 0.7 (Kaffekop)

Sins of the Father

Sins of the Father

The story revolves around a young man, named Mack, who has to come to terms with both his past and his future after having lost his father during a home invasion.

As always I recommend a fresh playthrough with every new version, just to keep the story fresh in mind.
A hotfix usually requires a new playthrough as it usually involves me fiddling with variables and thus fucks up the saves!
Added 3 more days of ingame days.
Added one new character: Meghan, (M.D.) – yes you might actually be in need of a doctor this time around.
Added three other characters, but they won’t take any prominent roles in this version. You just meet them very briefly.
There are some images that are not used in this version, but they are very few (just a heads up to the extracter’s of images out there).

Developer: Kaffekop
Platform: Windows
Language: English
Sins of the Father Version: 0.7
Censored: No
Size: 3600 mb