Panic Attack Season 04

Panic Attack

Panic Attack

Panic Attack

A future mayores (suffers from panicattacks) is fighting against corruption in the current government, while at the same time worrying about her husband, a special agent in the war zone. dangers lurking everywhere. the list of people she can trust is like non-existend and almost everyone wants her to fall. you are the director of this adult interactive full hd dramedy action-thriller with gruesome elements. Warning: this game is made for non-snowflakes and can be offensive for a certain range of people. you should not play if you’re a sensitive person.


Season 4: Wicked

-1500 FullHD render
-Alot of animations and auto/image sequences.
-Hundreds of music and sound effects.
-Alot of choices and their consequences.
-Hero/Antihero available.
-Heavy focus on “Relentless” and “Psycho”.
-“Previously at “Panic Attack !”
-3 hours to play on average. (For the real experience.)
-partially proofread


Developer: Blondie Bear
Platform: Windows
Censored: No
Version: Season 04
Language: English
File size: 1020 mb

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