Defenestration v.0.5c


“Defenestration is set in a futuristic soviet union, the player takes up a role of Kira. Help her get on her feet in unfamiliar megapolis, dealing with various day-to-day problems and different characters. Some will try to help you, some to corrupt you (mainly the second one).” “”The game is planned to be choice based and semi-open world. Which means no combat system. Current version has at least five hour of gameplay.”


– 273 pages of script.
– 218 new pics
– 117 updated pics
– The end of “A Modest Proposal” Main quest.
– Start of a “Counter Offer” Side quest.
– Katya Scissors H-event

Developer: Fresh Mulan
Platform: Windows
Censored: No
Version: 0.5c
Language: English
Size: 1070 mb

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