Kronos Time Titan 0.914.1 Changelog
New Content
Jade Dialogue
Persistent Knowledge Dialogue options added to give players additional choices when talking to Jade again after rewinding time.
Artemis Dialogue
Persistent Knowledge Dialogue options added to give players additional choices when talking to Artemis again after rewinding time.
The notice when starting the game after an update has been changed from “The timelines will now reset” to “The timelines will now rewind”. Players were getting confused about what was happening, sometimes believing their progress was getting reset every time they updated the game, when in fact the timelines were only being rewound.
Players could sometimes use the blue and red faries even if they didn’t have them in their inventory. These faires wouldn’t regenerate after a time rewind, which lead to some confusion.
Energy used when activating a power would not always be properly deducted.
Second dialogue choice when Artemis asks if you’ll help her was cut off at the bottom.
Known Issues
Pressing ESC to bring up the main menu only works once. After that, players can only bring up the main menu by using the menu button in the side panel.
Changing the display from windowed mode to fullscreen will cause any currently playing video to disappear. Changing a video scene angle will restore the video.
Completed quests do not award experience at this time. This will be added in a future update.