The Escort ([Final v1.01 SE) – Dr.FronkonstinMD

The Escort

The Escort

The Escort is a short story with two main characters taking place in just 24 hours. It’s essentially a kinetic novel, but it’s got some choices here and there, as well as two different endings and 4 paths to get to them.

Note for v1.0: You can play from any saved point you had from previous versions, but IT’S RECOMMENDED to start a new game to avoid a small exception after finding and watching the easter egg epilogue.


v1.01 Special Edition
Enjoy improved renders, extended scenes, creamy endings and an exclusive gallery with a few surprises!
A couple of minor code fixes to improve stability and I had a few images I wasn’t very happy with, so I re-lit and rendered them again.


Developer: Dr.FronkonstinMD
Platform: Windows
Censored: No
Version: Final 1.01 – Special Edition
Language: English
Size: 1850 mb

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