CyberFuck 2069

CyberFuck 2069 (Final)

Welcome to the Naughty City — a dangerous megalopolis filled with sex, lust, and willing naked girls. Throw yourself into the middle of the action, and beware approaches from all angles! Rogue-like shooter Take on a pantheon of robotic enemies in an epic combat. Upgrade your character to be ready for any challenge using the…

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Detective Maria

Detective Maria Episode 19r

This game has three episodes. The plot takes place in a fictional town. The first episode follows an event where the main character is Detective Maria. The second episode follows the same story watched by eyes of the main villain. In the third episode, a confrontation takes place between Detective Maria and the main villain….

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Unyielding Version 0.4.14 Public

Unyielding is a transformation based RPG game. I want it to feel like a tabletop RPG, with a living and interesting world. Choices should always matter. Catelly was a man until he was cursed by a wizard trying to obtain immortality. Catelly happened to be a hardened mercenary before the curse and refuses to lose…

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Hidden Feelings

Hidden Feelings Version 0.3

The story centers around a 26-year-old man. He returns home to face the consequences and those he left behind 8 years ago. Discover what you left behind. Love or hate? Well, play it and find out! Developer: Stince Platform: Windows Censored: No Version: 0.3 Language: English File size: 897 mb Download game:  

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Rewind Version

After a long night correcting the codebase for a new Web 3.0 Meme Sock Generator, you left work before the morning traffic hit. As the sun peaked over the skyline, you meandered your way through the streets, looking at the morning scenery: trees, mailboxes, lesbians making out at the park. That last one held your…

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Panic Attack

Panic Attack Season 04

A future mayores (suffers from panicattacks) is fighting against corruption in the current government, while at the same time worrying about her husband, a special agent in the war zone. dangers lurking everywhere. the list of people she can trust is like non-existend and almost everyone wants her to fall. you are the director of…

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Sorrow Version 0.96.2f

The story is about an ideal society after life, where there are no human vices left, harmony and mutual respect reign, but at some point a tyrant came to power, who destroyed the balance and integrity of the whole society. What can a newcomer who has just appeared in this world do? Let’s see it…

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