Peasant’s Quest version 3.62

Peasant's Quest

Peasant’s Quest is set in a medieval fantasy world, where you play a young farm boy out to seek adventure, and perhaps meet a few hot damsels in distress along the way.

Peasant's Quest

Peasant's QuestPeasant's Quest

Peasant's QuestPeasant's Quest

Developer: Tinkerer
OS: Windows
Language: English
Version: 3.62
Censored: No
Size: 4020 mb

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3 thoughts on “Peasant’s Quest version 3.62

  1. I’m stuck at electrified bridge, how do you get across, one hit dead!? Anyone? I’ve tried the walk-through – no help.

    Also has anyone figured out how to max HP maybe this would help the bridge problem?

    I’ve hacked the save to give me 99 HP, etc, but as soon as I get in a fight it goes back to the stock amount and I’m dead.

    Neither worked.

    1. Just replying to post: “I’ve hacked the save to give me 99 HP, etc, but as soon as I get in a fight it goes back to the stock amount and I’m dead.”
      – Using / I edited my save again (AFTER I MADE A BACKUP – just a zip file in the save folder)
      I wasn’t adding the amounts correctly I had to (Click) the show data in raw button and also make sure to add:
      – Under – ParamsData – example format – “1”:99.0 – Notice the .0 I added after 99 that made the HP – stick after I saved the new edited save file for download.
      – I did the same thing under – VariablesData – example format – “1”:99.0 for most items and “15”:9999999.0 coin but I left these as they are “34”:100.0,”35″:0.0,”36″:100.0,”37″:200.0
      Be very careful doing this if you try. And I had to unblock the new edited save file (right click properties uncheck check mark to use the new save in the game.

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