Law School (Episode 2)

Law School

An 18 year-old young man goes to the prestigious Stocklinburg where he hopes he’ll graduate to become the best lawyer this green earth has ever seen!
As he enters a new world where he’ll face new experiences, he will make friends, ennemies, lovers, and will have to face up difficult challenges and make important decisions. Will he achieve his dream, or will he fail? It’s all in your hands.​

Law School

Episode 2
Story statics: 2,365
Animations: 69 (excluding blinking animations)
Script lines: 13,000
Facegram roams: 3
Mini-games: 3
LEWD scenes: 5
Custom unlockable renders: 15

Developer: MisterMaya
Platform: Windows, Linux
Censored: No
Version: Episode 2
Language: English
Size: 5520 mb

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