You play as a young man who is managing a very small business from home, trying to make enough money to move his business to a new level.
FIXED BUG: Game crashes on Mondays if MC doesn’t have enough money to pay the rent.
FIXED BUG: some texts cannot be translated.
Simplified language format a bit.
FIXED BUG: Game crashes on Mondays if MC doesn’t have enough money to pay the rent.
Removed duplicate text in “Info” section of “Process Leads”
Changed suggested URL for translators.
Fixed some typos and made a few minor changes in German translation (AbyssalEros).
Fixed some typos in Spanish translation (Faxes).
Cancel button in Game Difficulty Picker can now be translated.
“Change Point Of View” text can now be translated.
“Press ESC again to quit” can now be translated.
“Saving/Loading DISABLED here!” can now be translated.
“Game saved! (quicksave)” can now be translated.
Language files are now a bit easier to translate.
Roxanne asks for $65 as assessment fee.
Censorship: None
Platform: Windows
Language: English, Spanish, German
Size 361 MB
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