Brothel Megacorporation Version 0.22

Brothel Megacorporation

Brothel Megacorporation

Brothel Megacorporation

Epifania is a city where money can buy everything. This autonomous territory is managed by megacorporations, private armies, and independent trade unions. You are an ambitious person who came to this sinful city hoping to make it big. However, you have no powerful or rich relatives in here. The only person who seems to believe in your potential is an infamous Devil Investor. And she just happens to have a mission for you: renovate an abandoned building and transform it into the best brothel in Epifania City!

Train courtesans, accumulate resources, buy facilities and upgrades, manipulate markets, crush your competitors, manage a corporate harem, and build the most successful adult entertainment megacorporation in this brothel management game!

-Rank A training for Zoe, Nicole, Ayaka. (24 new animations)
-New “Special Cow” status screen added to the milk farm
-Fix for Denise-Julia rank A mix-up and other bugs
-New Denise repeatable animation in the club

Developer: Khing Orchestra
Platform: Windows
Censored: No
Version: 0.22
Language: English
Size: 2640 mb

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