v0.12: Quality of Life update!
Videos now resizable to 350, 480, 640 or 1280 pixels wide, set either in the intro or from home by choosing to alter your reality’s settings. 1280 is not super recommended- the vintage videos don’t do so great with it- but give it a try if you like.
Automatic scroll-down on clicking a link to see the video instantly
Explainer text for how high scoundrel interacts with your cleaning job (if you have a little, you might get shut down before you can hit on the lady in question; if you have a lot, the lady in question might hit on you because of your devil-may-care bad boy reputation)
Many, many typos and miniature errors corrected; no longer will anyone “shrek in delight”
Completion of Tigerr’s mini storyline, including 2 new scenes and repeatable scenes on completion