-Wallis Part One is now coded into the game.
–To save you all a lot of guessing, you can find Wallis at the pool, a few days after she disappears from the park. Sometimes, later, she won’t be in her apartment—that’s because she’s a busy futa who has a life. If you wait a few days she’ll come back.
–Wallis is our secret character. Two years from now, y’all will be the cool veterans while all the Steam-game-come-lately noobs are crying on the forums.
–Heads up that this route contains a lot of weird and violent sexual content, especially if you keep telling Wallis that you’re not scared of weird and violent sexual content. There’s a more explicit disclaimer in the game, but as a reminder, please don’t play content which you think will traumatize you. Completion trophies aren’t a thing in real life.
–Or, maybe you’re already meaningfully more perverse than I’m giving you credit for, and will find all the knifeplay/choking/struggle content fun, rather than edgelord. I’m often surprised by how hardcore masochist our players are.
-Pool’s OPEN
— (and there’s a nice lady who needs help putting on sunscreen)
-Gabby has discovered anime
–and she’s ready to go on a bizarre adventure with you
-Sara’s running a clinic inside the MREA
–You can now deliberately lower your sex stats, if for some reason you want that
–(e.g., so you can fail checks, if you’re curious about what happens)
-The Rusty Starfish now has a mildly literal tourist trap
–Some dastardly futa are seducing tourists into debaucherous sex. There was no way anyone could have predicted this.