Dilemma of Devotion Ch.3 Ep.3

Dilemma of Devotion

Dilemma of Devotion embarks you, the protagonist, on a journey.
To the outside world, You seem to be the ideal guy anyone would like to be, but within yourself, you are shunned by the fact of the losses and hardships gone through, Which includes losing people very important to yourself.
You now rest at the crossroads of wrestling with the decision to either stay loyal to the memories of your past love, Kiara… Or to open up to new connections and find love again.
If both of these fail, the paths may lead to the tempting side of the world which involves indulgence, fun, and corruption.

Dilemma of Devotion

Chapter 3 EP 3
– Updated Content (Eugene, Lana, Jane, Rachel, Carla NPC)
– Expanded map (Shower area for Gym)
– Adjusted Corruption Values for choices
– Updated the way corruption appears in UI and choices
– Added option to watch porn to raise corruption
– Added option to Pray to reduce corruption
– Expanded Gallery mode

Developer: PulseHavenStudios
Censored: No
Version: Chapter 3 Episode 3
OS: Windows, Linux
Language: English
Size: 14.7 GB

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